It’s decided, you’ll throw yourself in the water ! Yes but in the hot and bubbling water of your future hot tub ! What criteria should you take into account in your choice ? What questions do you have before you take the plunge and make your purchase a reality? Heating, filtration, insulation, ergonomics and hot tub size, follow our 10 tips to find your ideal hot tub.

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1. Know where to install your hot tub
Before of choose hot tub, find the perfect location for your hot tub, you need to ask yourself several questions :
- Hot tub indoors or outdoors?
- Is the hot tub buried or above ground?
- Can your floor accommodate the weight of a hot tub or for example for a 3-seater hot tub about 1,200 kg full ?
One thing is for sure, hosting a hot tub requires a minimum of hot tubs and a flat, stable hot tub. The location of your future jacuzzi this is an important step before buying a hot tub.
2. Define the use of your hot tub
Think about the use you want to make of it. There are different types of them :
- Above-ground hot tub: rigid hot tub with acrylic tub or inflatable PVC hot tub; the latter, more fragile, is also more economical.
- Le swimming hot tub: larger in size than the hot tubs intended for relaxation, their operation allows them to swim against the current.
- The built-in hot tub can be laid inside or outside, buried or semi-buried.
3. What size is your hot tub?
Desire a hot tub to relax with two or a fun place to welcome children?
The type and size of the hot tub depend on the number of people that it can accommodate as well as its features.
The hotter the tub, the bigger it will be.
- Hot tub from 2 to 4 places : 2m x 1.60m, with
- 6-seater hot tub : 2.20m x 2.20m,
- Swimming hot tub: 6m x 2.50m.
The standard hot tubs have usually 3 or 4 seats and are square in shape. A hot tub has a maximum of 12 seats.
4: Choose the hot tub massage system
A hot tub with good-quality massages does not mean a hot tub with the largest number of jets! The important thing is the implantation of the jets and their variety, that is, different shapes and sizes. Look at the diversity of the proposed actions: dynamic or relaxing massage, for example, and the areas of the body massaged: back massages, lumbar, plantar arches, etc.
There are 3 types of jets for hot tubs:
- The aeroplane : thanks to a compressor called a “blower,” small air bubbles are diffused through nozzles usually located in the lower part of the tank.
- The hydrojet: water is diffused through the nozzles of the jacuzzi.
- The Venturi system is a combination of aeroplane and a hydrojet. The jets combine the effects of air and water.
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5: Check the ergonomics of the hot tub seating
To enjoy the massages, better be well installed! So study the ergonomics of the seats; you need to sit well or comfortably lying down. The hot tub should fit well with the shape of your body. You have understood it, ask to try the product before buying it!
6: Learn about hot tub insulation
Having a well-insulated hot tub is a guarantee of quality and, especially, of savings. Because the more your hot tub is isolated, the less your hot tub consumes electricity to work.
There are two types of insulation.
- Insulation is thanks to a simple reflective aluminium foil that is placed between the dressing and the shell of the jacuzzi.
- Insulation thanks to an insulating foam that integrates the plumbing of the hot tub
So ask for the characteristics of the products and compare.
7: Know the operating price of the hot tub
To enjoy your free-minded hot tub, it is better to know your operating price so as not to have a bad surprise and a salty bill! The tariff is directly linked to the correct ( or bad ) insulation of the hot tub.
Be aware that a well-insulated hot tub used daily for 15 to 20 minutes can cost about twenty euros to 200$ per month!
8: Study the hot tub filtration system
The filtration system is also an important factor in choosing your hot tub. Indeed, it keeps clear and healthy water for swimming. Filtration has a dual role: it allows to clean the water but also keeps the pump system clean and therefore functional. Several filtration systems are proposed: filtration under pressure, remote filtration, surface filtration, etc.
9: Choose the hot tub heating system
The heating system of the hot tub allows you to heat the hot tub water to the desired temperature, usually around 37°C, and keep it at this temperature. You have the choice between two types of heating: electric heating and heat exchangers. The latter being more energy efficient.
10: Decide on the budget allocated to the hot tub
From a few hundred euros for an inflatable hot tub to several thousand for a 6-seater hot tub, the budget allocated to a hot tub has a large amplitude. Once your needs are well defined, do not hesitate to compare the different products. You will need to spend an average of 300$ for an inflatable hot tub, and up to 30,000 $ for a swim hot tub.
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My name is James A. Bright, and I have worked in the pool and plumbing industries for over 15 years. I started to share my experience with you guys. Here, I provide helpful guides and tips related to pool care, hot tub care, underground water leaks, and pipe leaks.